ADSC Lighthouse Wizard Platform - Legal
Companies wishing to license our technology as a condition of
sale of license, will agree to adhere to, & comply with North American
export laws & regulations. & will make no use of these technologies for
any purposes other then business related uses. Further, as a sales condition
end-use companies that make use of our technologiess will also agree to not
embed anything within our technology, that in any way fails to adhere to, &
comply with North American export laws & regulations. Applied Direct
Services Corporation makes this website & the ADSC Lighthouse
WizardPlatform technologies available on a best-efforts, & information
purposes only basis. All application of any information on this website, is for
information purposes only, & is entirely the responsiblity of the end-user
company to apply.
No portion of our website may be copied, presented, used within other or connected to other technology or transferred in any manner electronic or otherwise, without the written permission of Applied Direct Services Corporation, also known as ADSC.
ADSC reserves all rights in this website, including the right to change any of the site including terms and conditions of use, at any time.
Privacy Policy:
We may use cookies, & other means to track use of our
website, & this is accepted as a condition of any use whatsoever, in any
manner of our website.
Users accept all responsibility for maintaining what information they may choose to share with our website, and any possible third party providers of our website, now or in the future.
End-users of our website agree to provide true information if they avail themselves of goods or services through our website.